[Note that a commitment doesnt necessarily literally mean marriage. Mercury has a familiarity with Jupiter's manner of expansion. The other man stayed in his peaceful world of marijuana and music. [p] Often there is a full Neptunian expression in the contact. No, no other Saturn aspects except Sun trine Saturn and Saturn sextile Mars. But it's still frustrating (pluto = too many power struggles. [p] No energy can be negated; it must be directed into channels that are personally and socially acceptable. Also, sag_stellium- it seems like there's a ton of negative energy between you two. Synastry:Mercury-NeptuneAspects [p] The deepest and finest of human relationships for the good of both can be directed to the good of mankind. However, when an opening came for a position requiring methodical system and capacity of management Mercury overlooked Saturn in favor of another. He understands or identifies from his own personal experience with Neptune's sensitive dream of the aesthetic ideal, or with his secret fantasy toward ease, ecstasy and the erotic sensations. For the most part Mercury has the greater abundance of some quality or condition. In truth, the bond is likely still there from the point of view of Mercury. There were hidden levels that the two were unable to exchange. Within a few months he took her for granted. The Saturn person may feel like a grounding and stabilizing force to the Ascendant person. It implies an inexorable struggle of selfishness and problems. Though there was the rare criticism, the two never argued or parted in any emotion stronger than pique. It can be as simple as a commitment that the partnership is a one-to-one relationship, or that it is exclusive.] When they were apart, she felt freer to be herself. [p] The exchange can be on any Neptunian level. posted December 18, 2006 06:07 PM. The planet of karma and the karmic points align. MERCURY CONJUNCT NEPTUNEMercury has a familiarity with the ideals or fantasies of Neptune. This time she took the Saturnine role of being older, hard working and responsible. Neptune does rule drugs, and in the examples where drugs are a distinguished part of the exchange between these two people, it will be mentioned. Mercury square Pluto is a heavy connection, as it brings in constant tension, especially on the level of the intellectual. It is easy to see, with this kind of pattern, that either or both individuals could feel trapped together at times! The way they think and talk fascinates them. What generally happens is that the security that bound the two together in the first place feels threatened on the part of the Saturn person as the personal planet person changes or grows. One of the sons had several accidents resulting in broken bones during his childhood years, and a general physical weakness. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. The Saturn conjunct Neptune in synastry is an aspect that could either indicate a strong spiritual bond between the partners or it could indicate the attempt to merge two completely opposite personalities. He was married, she was not. [p] Other Mercury sextile Mars combinations began cooperative relationships at this time by working together, in either a social or business capacity. Let's take an example of Mercury conjunct Saturn in synastry. Aquarius [p] The two people can blend for a period of time, but the circumstances of their diversities are such that each must express his primary patterns in his own separate area. There was an example of rape. The premise is, "We will cooperate for this height, or depth, or we will separate." A doctor with Mercury opposition Mars to a youngster worked with him periodically for three years of physical therapy after the boy had polio. It may also be that situational factors are such that true emotional intimacy is blocked, even though both parties want to get closer to each other. Although Moon in particular may feel emotionally frustrated at times, there is a feeling of constancy and dependability in Saturn that is very attractive. MERCURY TRINE PLUTOMercury spontaneously falls into a cooperative contact with Pluto. As time goes on, inevitably Mercury will excitedly share an experience wherein he or she had an enlightening conversation with a friend outside of their relationship. Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects An employee accompanied him to work while mother pursued her own enthusiasms. [p] Among the examples there is the cooperation between a dentist and patient. But the truth of the matter is, given the depth of the attachment to each other, there is much to gain from working on the intimacy issues described above. [p] When Mercury has the highest aspirations he can build a constructive relationship for the general good. [p] A student had Mercury square the Pluto of his teacher in spiritual ethics. They could also create a family really fast. no doubt about it. Try to avoid focusing on problems or negative stories/expressions of ideas. i did a lot of research but couldn't find an interpretation of it on the net, but I'm very intrigued by it. However, it can have its fair share of ups and downs. When the aspect between Mercury and Saturn is a flowing one (sextile or trine), your Saturn partner helps you to structure your thoughts, plan your life, and give form to your ideas. MERCURY SQUARE SUNMercury is strongly drawn to the authority and strength of character of the Sun, but there is an ego incompatibility that implies conflict. [p] In one example, a young man had Mercury sextile the Mars of the girl he was in love with. Their initial acknowledgement of each other draws them together. He understands or identifies from his own personal experience with Pluto's ethos, his aspirations, or with his insidious dark areas. Mercury took the opportunity to eulogize his memory in idealistic terms. In a long-term marriage, a man had Mercury conjunct his wife's Neptune. The contact may be lost entirely or become no more than perfunctory. [p] In his early years at college, he met the other woman to whom he had the Mercury conjunct Pluto. There was an occasional critical disagreement, or a trauma or minor injury to Mercury or Mars. [p] The majority of examples were family or family friends, in-laws, or friends living together. Saturn interaspects tend to be very binding. MERCURY CONJUNCT PLUTOMercury has a familiarity with the heights and depths of Pluto. Once that initial reluctance (which can range from vague to explicit, depending on the power of the Saturn interaspects and the individual temperaments involved) passes, there is generally a wonderful feeling of familiarity and safety with one another. Tarot Card Reading, Tarot Card Learning. A self-centered Mercury loses this opportunity by default, or by taking advantage of Saturn. Square energy represents blocked energies in a synastry chart- and with this aspect, Saturn's cold and serious nature tends to be amplified. [p] The hidden areas of decadence and destructive force in this relationship finally did lead to Mercury's psychological breakdown of competence. Hard aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) from one person's Mercury to another person's Saturn indicates a deep respect for each other's thinking processes and communication. [p] The progressions hold examples of drastic coercive force that separated the two, as well as examples of periods of intense cooperation. Often there was a criticism or discredit between them. Synastry:Venus-NeptuneAspects Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They have Mercury to Uranus aspects, as it is often a radical departure from convention. Saturn generally is the one who wants the bond to be exclusive, and although the personal planet person generally wants the same thing, that personal planet person feels enormous pressure to be a certain way and feels like he or she is not free to express him or herself in a natural and dynamic manner. [p] Their exchange is not always on an equal level. If it is a romantic relationship, sex has an addictive quality. With decision and initiative he can easily arouse Mars' energy to whatever he desires. Book Now. Synastry:Mercury-MercuryAspects Either one (or both) people involved may have made it clear at some early point in the interaction that this relationship was to be a serious or committed one. [p] In various examples, Mercury was assassinated; Mercury was imprisoned for his own misconduct; Mercury lost his business; Saturn died at an early age; Saturn was in an auto accident where he was badly broken up; Saturn was homeless and alone; Saturn had a series of accidents and illnesses. [p] In the majority of examples, the Mercury N parallel Mercury implies affinity, but without a depth of conscious understanding on a communication level. Saturn needs to be very careful not to interrupt, ignore, or judge Mercury when Mercury is speaking. [p] The examples show many relationships for common goals in business, marriage and friendship. [p] In the progressions, Mercury often leaned on Saturn for security, rather than develop an exchange. When Bobby ran away from home, Mercury wondered if he could have helped more than he had. [p] They come together to share, or experience at the same time a quality or condition that is idealic, or that holds a note of mystery or scandal. It was she who fired his full passion of devotion to the general good. There are hidden depths of coercion and psychological warp in one or both that meet in a crisis. Mercury Square Pluto in Synastry. The Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect is a karmic placement. With maturity, Mercury was able to acknowledge his mother with an understanding that led to cooperation. when you use astro.com, and you go under extended chart selection, and you have a chart pulled upand you click on "get additional tables", you get a PDF that shows you this information. Synastry:SunNorthNodeAspects [p] One woman, Mercury, invested $10,000.00 into a business that Saturn began, and lost it in 6 months. Click It also tells us about how we are able to overcome obstacles and how active we are. Saturn could have handled the job more efficiently than the other man. [p] Another example was of two young men who were both musicians, who spent many compatible hours together smoking pot. [p] The severest examples have underhanded deceit, cold loathing, or tragedy. This relationship has a precisely defined purpose to help both parties evolve into a better version of themselves. "Well, too bad," and he went on to other fields, leaving Saturn with a heavy financial loss. They can maintain association at a certain level or at intermittent times. [p] Many times the aspect is constructive. The chemistry in this relationship brings out the individual need for security and safety in both people, and each will certainly find a basic sense of safety with the other. In one example a young man had Mercury sextile Neptune of an older woman who was a dear friend. If there is a distinct Saturn-Neptune connection within the Synastry chart, it is quite likely that the Saturn-Neptune connection also touches the Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars in both of the partner's individual charts. Saturn can be serious about the moon persons feelings and often seeks to react and manage them in a mature and genuine way. If the progression occurs in an established relationship, it indicates a period of conflict or hostility. Synastry:SaturnNorthNodeAspects In synastry, this aspect will enhance other positive aspects between people. Other times it is loyalty, devotion or generosity. MERCURY SQUARE VENUS[Has already been requested and posted], MERCURY SQUARE MOON[Has already been requested and posted], MERCURY CONJUNCT MOON[Has already been requested and posted]. just look at one of these you download, and you can see under planet positions the declination tables at the very end there, and see that N (north) or S (south) is designated after the number there. these two tend to be quick to each others call and often read one another's body language easily. This cross-aspect is a powerful one. Their 10 year marriage held certain joys, and many personal problems and anxieties. The Saturn person seems to have the upper hand in the relationship, at least for a while. [p] A five year old boy with Mercury conjunct his mother's Moon expressed this solicitude and understanding when he said, "Mom, you'd better go to bed early tonight so you're not in a bad mood tomorrow." Both persons had heights and depths that were incomprehensible to the other. Your Saturn partner listens well, guides, and disciplines you in mostly pleasing ways. [p] In a long-term relationship, the progressed Mercury oppostion Asc shows a period of separation in viewpoint or personal or physical experience. The mother worried about his lack of frivolity or fun during his adolescence. When her roommate moved out he had the opportunity presented to move in with her. Question: Is the north parallel the same as regular parallel and the south parallel the same as contraparallel? [p] In other cases, Mercury underrated Saturn, when Saturn was exactly the person who could have helped best. The other was sheer disaster for them both. [p] Two love affairs were based on hidden motives and subtle force by Pluto. [p] A woman had Mercury opposition the Pluto of her husband when he was involved in a gang whose hidden activities never were fully revealed. Mercury in the 8th House Synastry. [p] With the Mercury trine Mars aspect, the chance for a constructive relationshup comes so easily that Mercury seldom puts any more effort into the matter than circumstances call for. That period of tentsion may be in their sexual attraction, a dispute or disagreement, an element of jealousy or competitiveness, a demand, a temper, or a trauma. He did write her poetic love letters that she kept secret. [p] The sexual contacts here were passionate with little endurance. Mars - astrology meaning Mars symbolizes the need to get what we want. [p] In an irresponsible example, two men were business partners. Does Saturn truly benefit from this kind of censoring? [p] Other examples were more mundane, where the two had a common work, or cooperated in beneficial group activities. is more indicative of difficulty in getting public notice or credit of any kind. I'm fascinated to know if . on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, He had a familial response of loyalty to both, but his mental processes and attitudes differed from theirs. Hotel in Taipei | Hyatt Place New Taipei City Xinzhuang. [p] When there is a question regarding the Mercury-Mars possibility of injury, careful attention must be given to the radical and progressed charts of both persons for bad health or accident proclivities. [p] There are a few examples in which the two overcame obstacles of distance or diversity to cooperate for good in spiritual aspirations. [p] Mercury offered help and assistance to the extent that he could; his stability of friendship, his business efforts, his time and attention. His social life is too active to not text others. There is either a circumstantial obstacle or an incompatibility in their areas of responsibility. You feel that you can learn a lot from Saturn's wisdom. [p] Mercury was a lusty, virile man, who understood well his Scorpio wife's erotic needs. She was able to accept the man imparitally without any urge to personal involvement. As usual, tighter the orb, the more intense. like ever. [p] The progressions follow the same pattern but with less trauma. Obviously, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion, can bring someone into your life. [p] Mercury has the choice of how much endurance the association will have. in a way that caused a strain to their relationship. Natal Saturn Conjunct Neptune Saturn conjunct Neptune natal can make life very [] Karma is associated with Saturn, where the personal planet person feels some sort of personal debt to the Saturn person. There were several short affairs, in one, a woman Mercury was in love with Mars, but did not make sufficient effort to hold his attention. Official live stream channel of Taipei Travel Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government-Official live stream channel of Taipei Travel In Taipei, everywhere you go is full of . On the other hand,the Ascendant person may feel stifled or oppressed by the Saturn person, but the rest of the synastry is needed to tell us if this is the case. Both were in a period of inverting their former patterns, he in his work, she in her expressions of self will. In spite of all the pressures that would ten to separate them, the quantity of N parallels created too strong a bond. 79, Section 3, New Taipei Blvd., Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan, 242032 +886 2 8522 9980. [p] The Mercury N parallel Mercury progressions include several of the closest friendships between people of diverse backgrounds, where the contact was broken by one person moving away. unfortunately I have this with my boyfriend and experienced it the most with my ex (mars opp pluto is an exact aspect). . The Saturn person is not as inclined to criticism or control. [p] In the progressions there are similar examples and some that were less harsh. When Mercury in your chart forms an aspect to your partners Saturn, form, logic, and reality are important elements in your communications. You both push each other to think in broader terms and open each other up to a new way of thinking. MERCURY OPPOSITION SATURNMercury has in common with Saturn a similar work or responsibility, grief or problem. Mercury in 8th House synastry implies mutual stimulation of the partners' interests in learning, especially when it comes to occult studies as they both can advance beyond their expectations. Saturn conjunct north node in synastry suggests that the relationship between two people is highly karmic. Also, your conversations tend to focus on serious topics or practical affairs and business, which can become dull for one or both of you. In certain examples, the Moon was pregnant; was homeless; had a physical or mental health problem. Also, sag_stellium- it seems like there's a ton of negative energy between you two. [p] A point will be clarified here. MERCURY SEXTILE SATURNMercury has the ability to develop a secure and responsible contact with Saturn. Mercury seldom makes any effort beyond the natural exchange of circumstances. [p] A patient had Mercury square the Pluto of his doctor. MERCURY TRINE SATURNMercury has a spontaneous and natural contact with Saturn in which he can easily handle any difficulty that arises.
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