9th12th All breath, urine, hair, blood and/or other specimens will be collected under reasonable and sanitary conditions. 1984), cert. The newly revised Mississippi English Learner Guidelines: Regulations, Funding Guidance, and Instructional Supports (2018) by the Mississippi Department of Education provides RCSD with a clear understanding of the responsibilities towards EL students. For those of you that are new to our building, we look forward to getting to know you. Upon the second or subsequent missed counseling appointment without proper notification the student shall be recommended for immediate placement in the Alternative School for two (2) nine weeks. Operate a program of contraceptive distribution in schools. 1. Similarly, gym shoes are required to participate in PE for safety reasons. 7. 662 (10thDir. Assessment results need to inform instruction, and ELs who are not progressing should receive additional support and services, which should be documented in the Language Service Plan (LSP). Immediate removal from activities for 28 calendar days. The Board authorizes the County Superintendent or the principal or their designee to suspend or expel according to law any student who commits one of the following violations: 1. causes or attempts to cause damage to school property or private property located upon school grounds, 2. causes or attempts to cause physical injury to another person, 3. possesses on their person, or in their locker or automobile or transmits any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object at school, 4. possesses, uses, transmits, or is under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, tobacco, or any other controlled substance without medical sanction for prescriptive substances; possesses any other over the counter medication or drug or pill of any type, kind or nature while on campus without first securingthe written permission of the school principal or his designee or school nurse practitioner or for failing to abide by all other prescription or non-prescription drug policies of the Rankin County School District or otherwise, 5. uses or copies the academic work of another and presents it as his own without proper attribution, 6. defies the valid authority of personnel or refuses to abide by oral or written instruction or directive, 7. is found guilty of inappropriate behavior of any kind which interferes with the ongoing educational process or seriously threatens the physical safety of others or engages in such other conduct that is likely to pose a threat to the educational process and learning atmosphere. Each principal shall maintain a record, kept with the education records of each student, which will indicate all parties other than those specified who have requested or obtained access to a students education records, such access having been granted in accord with provisions heretofore set. If students arrives late to school, they will need to check in at the front office and get a pass to class. If a child is living with an adult other than parents or legal guardians, in loco parentis authority will be recognized to establish residency of the minor in situations that include, but are not limited to: 1. death or serious illness of the childs parent/guardian, 4. verifiable unstable family relationships or conditions in the home of the parent/guardian having a documented detrimental effect on the child, 5. students enrolled in recognized exchange programs residing with a host family. (e) Locker or personal vehicle searches shall be conducted in the presence of another staff member and in the presence of the student responsible for the contents of the locker, if practical, in the discretion of the principal. The superintendent shall notify the school board of the decision to close the schools. The professional staff will choose instructional resources/textbooks that support and enrich the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interests, learning styles, and maturity levels of students served. If students are at their lockers during the school day, the following is a list of consequences that could occur: Level 1: Student will be given a verbal warning Got questions? Students enrolled must provide written approval from the principal of their home schools. Such evaluation must be administered by any of the licensed professionals listed above. The program is under the leadership of the district superintendent and the supervision of a principal. 3rd6th Brandon, MS 39042 B. For any suspension of more than ten (10) days or expulsion, a student shall have the right to a formal due process hearing, when requested in writing directed to the County Superintendent of Education; be represented by legal counsel, to present evidence; and to cross-examine witnesses presented by the district. In Mississippi, monitoring occurs through both the annual English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) and when students take mandated state assessments required of all students. Students will have a locker assigned to them. If the request to amend is denied, the parent/guardian or eligible student shall be notified of the decision and the right to a formal hearing. Hooded sweatshirts are allowed, but hoods may not be worn during school hours. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries and complaints regarding unlawful discrimination, harassment, and retaliation: Tina Hatch, Compliance and Investigations/Title IX Coordinator, 440 East 100 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, (801) 578-8388. The school textbook coordinator will be responsible for issuing these books upon request from parents. Semester Examinations (IHAE) All fees authorized to be charged under this policy, except those fees authorized under (3) above, shall be charged only upon the condition that a financial hardship waiver may be granted upon request pursuant to the following. Transfer students will be permanently enrolled and placed in a grade or class on the basis of an official transcript from the last school attended. Shirts or tops must cover the waistband of pants, shorts, or shirts with no midriff visible. A. NO BACKBACKS ALLOWED, NO EXCEPTIONS! Brandon, MS 39047 Establishing principles, guidelines, and strategies for implementing effective sex education programs, referred to in state law as Abstinence-Only education programs. a. Attainment of the age of five years on or before September 1 of thatschool year (for kindergarten enrollment:) or attainment of the ageof six years on or before September 1 of year (for first grade). No see-through clothing or halter tops shall be worn. If the device is lost, stolen, or totally damaged as a result of irresponsible behavior, the person the device is issued to may be responsible for the replacement cost. Once a police report has been filed, the district, in conjunction with the local law enforcement agency may deploy locating software to aid authorities in recovering the device. Participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities at the school should be considered by all concerned as a privilege rather than a right. If loan funds are not available, the student WILL be given a well-balanced alternate meal set forth by the district food service office (2oz grilled cheese sandwich, the menu choice of fruits, vegetables and a variety of milk). Written notices of unsatisfactory progress can be sent home whenever necessary to keep parents informed of declining grades. School-sponsored and student-led clubs are permitted in the district. (Districts Meeting the Highest Levels of Performance are exempted. Sagging is not allowed. The School Counselor will complete a summary sheet for the student which includes the following data: a. All fees authorized to be charged under subsections (1) and (2) of the Fee Policy above shall be charged only upon the following conditions: 1. After a report of positive test results is made to the District, the principal will schedule a conference with the student and parents or guardian about the positive drug test results. The laboratory will inform the principal of the school and the Superintendent or his designee of positive test results. Referrals to the TST must be made within the first twenty (20) school days of a school year if the student meets any of the criteria a-d stated above under dyslexia. LEGAL REFERENCE: MS Code 37-7-301; Financial Accounting Manual for Mississippi School Districts, July 1, 1992. We are excited to have all of these new staff members working with us and our students. Proof of residence in the attendance zone for which application ismade. 1. The parent/guardian consent for medication(s) at school and the physician order for the medication must be kept on file for a period of one full year. Maggie Sunseri was a middle-school student in Versailles, Kentucky, when she first noticed a major difference in the way her school's dress code treated males and . Click to view the grievance procedures, File a Non-Discrimination/Title IX/Bullying Complaint, The Salt Lake City School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. 3. A notation of inadequate attendance (IA) will be recorded on the report card and on the transcript if the student is passing the course. In the event a student desires to waive the opportunity of a hearing or appeal when charged with an offense or rule violation, he/she or his/her parent or representative may do so. Principal:Robin Sanders Supervising teachers or supervising faculty of student-led clubs shall maintain for inspection signed written parental permission as part of that person's responsibilities of club supervision or sponsorship. Is administered by a professional testing laboratory employed by the District. Student will be tested on the last day. All student requests should be considered. Other issues or disputes will be directed to the attention of the school official responsible for that particular matter for prompt resolution. This policy supplements and complements all other laws, policies, rules, and regulations of the state or District regarding possession or use of illegal drugs, including, but not limited to, all policies, rules, and laws concerning reasonable suspicion of the use or possession of such illegal drugs. The accomplishment of this objective will entail the following: 1. The student and the students parent, legal guardian or person in legal custody of the student may appeal an expulsion or a suspension of more than ten (10) days. Please put your childs school ID number on the face of your check. 2 0 obj A fax originating from the appropriate office will be accepted. When a student does not turn in an assignment prior to the end of a term, a grade of zero may become part of the average for that term. Students will pay cash on a daily basis or pay in advance to their account(s). Brandon, MS 39042 Students can also be transported to the alternative school by their parents at the parents expense if the parents so choose. 5. The superintendent or his/her designee or assistant superintendent shall provide a written decision to the victims appeal within ten (10) working days. Principal:Amanda Clark Dress Code Restrictions All clothing should conform to the MMS Unified Student Dress Code: No hats, hoods, or head coverings can be worn inside the school building. 2. Student directory information will be used specifically for armed services recruiting purposes and for informing our students of scholarship opportunities. Student fundraising efforts permissible under the following guidelines: 1. the principal must approve any fund-raising project prior to its beginning, taking into consideration the cost/benefit ratio and whether or not the project is appropriate or beneficial to the official or extra-curricular programs of the school; 2. any proceeds of the fund-raising activities shall be treated as activity funds and are accounted for under those procedures; 3. fund-raising activities conducted for the sale of school pictures, the rental of caps and gowns, or the sale of graduation invitations shall contain a disclosure statement advising that a portion of the proceeds of the sales or rentals shall be contributed to the student activity fund, if the school is to receive a commission, rebate or fee; Lockers will only be accessible before school starts 7:55am-8:00am and when school ends at 2:30 pm. : MS CODE as cited; Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards, CROSS REF. Disputes which may arise regarding the assignment of a homeless child or youth will be promptly resolved according to district policy. endobj If a student fails the screener twice, the school district will conduct a Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) meeting to determine if a comprehensive assessment is warranted. Parents of a dependent student of such parents, as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; or. Each student graduating from a secondary school in the district shall have earned at least two of the last four Carnegie units at the school granting the diploma. The student will be informed of the charges orally or in writing by the principal or his designee. School Board (See Section VI. Parents/guardians are encouraged to accompany a student enrolling in the District for the first time. A student will only be considered for exemption if the student has no office or disciplinary referrals in a teachers class, or referral from an administrator, and meets the following requirements regarding absences and grades: Students who are eligible for exemption will have the option to take an exam if they feel it will improve their grade. ; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act; Age Discrimination Act of 1975. The principal shall establish rules and regulations to assure traffic safety and to set procedures for student use of private vehicles. Any student who has accumulated 5 unexcused days absent during the school year will be reported to the truancy officers. The Rankin County School District will take the following actions to involve parents in the process of school support and improvement under section 1111(d) of the ESEA: Hosting an Open House for all parents early in the school year at each school building. The permanent record SHALL NEVER be destroyed (unless complete copies of inactive records have been made on photographic film or microfilm) and is ALWAYS kept on file by the district. 1. Each student will be responsible for providing a positive, safe, and healthy educational environment for others by maintaining order, self-discipline, and having consideration for the rights and property of others. Standard Mode of Dress (SMOD) Overview Hanes Magnet School has a Standard Mode of Dress for all students and staff. ), with the utilization of pre-numbered tickets required if it is anticipated that the event will generate gross receipts in excess of $100. Transcripts Other residency documentation may be approved or required by RCSD administration. All persons entering a school building other than for attendance at a scheduled activity open to the general public must report directly to the office of the principal to request a visitors permit. To add a Students ID number to My Payments Plus it must be 9 digits long. If the student wishes to withdraw from dual credit college course(s), the student MUST complete a signed form with the high school counselor and complete requirements to withdraw through thecollege within the designated time frame set forth by the college. At NISD, we believe kids come first. Parents/guardians maywaive the five day waiting period and request earlier testing, if possible. When a student is expelled for criminal behavior or activity, the Superintendent shall notify the parent/guardian/custodian, youth court, and law enforcement of such action, in writing. 1. 6. No more than four units earned in summer school programs may be counted toward graduation requirements, with a limit of earning one unit per summer session. The test specimen shall be obtained in a manner designed to minimize intrusiveness to the student. Face masks/coverings must follow the requirements of JCDB Dress Code for Students. By signing the Acceptable Use Policy, users are acknowledging they have read and agree to abide by the Social Media guidelines. Phone:601.824.0334 12. A schedule for the administration of term tests and semester examinations will be established by the Board and included as a part of the official school calendar. The three areas of student development are: (a) Academic Development, (b) Career Development, and (c) Personal/Social Development. The district shall provide sufficient notice (before the close of the prior school day) to staff and students for any weather-related or other unforeseen virtual days. Clothing should be professionalno muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, or crop tops. The Northwest community benefits from its diversity! Bottoms: Clothing that fully covers a student from the waist down to at least mid-thigh. Each student will respect the personal property of others and refrain from causing intentional damage or unnecessary wear and tear to books, facilities, school materials, school buildings and furnishings, and the personal property of others and obey all state laws pertaining thereto. Whenever a student has attained the age of eighteen, or is attending an institution of post secondary education, the required consent and rights accorded to the parent shall thereafter only be required of and accorded to the student. The policy also supplements and complements all laws and policies with respect to special education students. The principal shall provide a form for this purpose. Florence, MS 39073 In order to stay at school, students with ringworm(s) must keep the infected area covered with a band-aid or dressing while at school. Backpacks are not allowed on school grounds. 13. Knox County Schools is committed to excellence in foundational skills, great educators in every school, career empowerment and preparation, and success for every student. 1. Sellwood Middle School; School Dress Code; This page is currently unavailable. 8. Students are therefore warned in advance by this policy and otherwise not to store items in these school owned lockers or cabinets which they do not want to bring to the attention of school or law enforcement authorities, or which may be illegal, dangerous or in possible violation of school board policy or school rules. All progress reports must be based upon full information, accurately and honestly reported with the proper maintenance of confidentiality. Fever usually indicates that the body is battling an infection. Limited English Proficiency Instruction (IK) In accordance with this goal, students utilizing school transportation services shall: 1. That parents are full partners in their childs education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child; 4. No student will be allowed to drive himself/herself to the alternative school.
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