2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. Our research indicates that most people want to work to support their families and send their children to school, says M. Brinton Lykes, PhD, a professor of community-cultural psychology and co-director of the Center for Human Rights and International Justice at Boston College. Im only invited to spiritual events because my family thinks I have a spiritual problem, not a mental health condition, said Carlos, a 51-year-old man from Maputo, Mozambique. In comparison, 1,560 did in the 2014-2015 academic year. While the expectation was that families would regularly bring food for relatives, this rarely happened. UN, Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals, undated, https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/ (accessed September 22, 2020). The cost of mental health. MSF is also hearing worrying reports about the situation in some communities in San Salvador and Soyapango. Mental Health Services Help Health Workers Improve HIV Services in Central America . [62], Human Rights Watch has found evidence of shackling across60 countries across Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas. [59] Human Rights Watch interview with a psychiatrist, Nigeria, March 27, 2019 (name and location withheld). [37] Despite this, less than 1 percent of international development assistance for health is allocated toward mental health.[38]. 49) at 65, UN Doc. A World Health Organization (WHO) video describes it as a black dog that follows you everywhere, does not let you sleep or eat well. This report includes field research and testimonies collected by 16 Human Rights Watch researchers working in their own countries, including Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Palestine, Russia, the self-declared independent state of Somaliland, South Sudan, and Yemen. 55. Not only has the lack of access to primary health care services contributed to the deterioration of the health of patients with chronic diseases, resulting in more deaths, but both the ambulance system and hospitals are operating at full capacity. [92] It cannot be discriminatory and should never be justified on the basis of the existence of a disability.[93]. They are abusing our rights over here.[84]. Lack of education in the community about mental health. Instead, many turned to unreliable resources for information, including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. 1516; Human Rights Watch, Like A Death Sentence, https://www.hrw.org/report/2012/10/02/death-sentence/abuses-against-persons-mental-disabilities-ghana, p. 30. [5] World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, Implementation Manual for the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, February 2008, http://www.wnusp.rafus.dk/documents/WNUSP_CRPD_Manual.doc (accessed December 20, 2015), p. 9. A/44/49 (1989), entered into force September 2, 1990, art. In many institutions visited by Human Rights Watch, male staff would enter and exit womens wards or sections at will or were responsible for the womens sections, including at night, which puts women and girls at increased risk of sexual violence, as well as subjects them to a constant feeling of insecurity and fear. We build the capacity of mental health and substance use treatment organizations. (No.16) at 52, U.N. Doc. | Technical document. A doctor working at a psychiatric hospital in southern Nigeria said: We have to use chains in some cases.[59] In eastern Indonesia, Human Rights Watch witnessed a woman being tied around the waist with a twisted cloth and restrained to her We need to do something.. Pixabay. For others, poverty and lack of work opportunities are the driving forces behind migrationin Honduras, more than 60% of the population lives below the poverty line (World Bank, 2018). In addition to similar financial incentives, the HRSA will waive the residency requirements for J-1 visa holders who agree to deliver health care for three years in a health care professional shortage area, encouraging foreign providers to address the needs of underserved areas. More than two-thirds of countries do not cover reimbursement for mental health services in national health insurance schemes. Although faith healing centers can be registered with a government department or religious authority, they are not always regulated or monitored. According to the Results from the 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Detailed Tables, approximately 8.6 million nonmetropolitan adults reported having any mental illness (AMI) in 2021, accounting for 22.7% of nonmetropolitan adults. Ridha, a family member with relatives shackled in Oman, said: Its time for governments to step up so that families arent left to cope on their own.. Many had old and leaking roofing. However, in prayer camps and institutions, many interviewees spoke of persistent, gnawing hunger from forced fasting or inadequate food. (No. 85. [103] Colectivo Chuhcan A.C., Disability Rights International, EQUIS Justice for Women A.C., Information Group on Elected Reproduction (GIRE), Transversal, Action on the Rights of People with Disabilities A.C., and the Mexico Childrens Rights Network (REDIM), "Alternative Report by Mexican Civil Society Organizations Submitted to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: 2014-2019," 2019, https://www.driadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/Joint-Shadow-Report-CRPD-Jul2019-FINAL.pdf (accessed September 24, 2020), p. 19. MOUNT VERNON BroadbandOhio, a division of the Ohio Department of Development, announced last week the selection of OCHIN as a statewide telehealth administrator to help expand crucial healthcare services for Ohio's K-12 students. 37; CRPD, art. Wendy, a doctor working for MSF's ambulance service, said that some patients die while waiting to be transferred to a hospital. [45] Human Rights Watch interview with Dr. Kafayah Ogunsola, psychiatrist, Lagos, September 26, 2018; Karoon, What is the state of mental health in Thailand?, post to Pacific Prime Thailand (blog),June 24, 2019, https://www.pacificprime.co.th/blog/state-of-mental-health-in-thailand/(accessed March 23, 2020); Melinda Benjamin, The Promotion of Mental Health Awareness in Cambodia, Borgen Magazine,August 1, 2019,https://www.borgenmagazine.com/mental-health-awareness-in-cambodia/(accessed March 19, 2020); Nivendra Uduman, Mental Health and Stigma in Sri Lanka, post to Ground Views (blog), February 19, 2018, https://groundviews.org/2018/02/19/mental-health-and-stigma-in-sri-lanka/ (accessed March 23, 2020); Mark Tilly,TV series to fight mental health stigma, Khmer Times, August 25, 2017,https://www.khmertimeskh.com/79742/tv-series-fight-mental-health-stigma/(accessed March 19, 2020); Human Rights Watch, We Are Also Dying of AIDS, https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/zambia0714_ForUpload_1.pdf, p.16; A. Allen,andE.Green,Discrimination and Stigmatization of People with Epilepsy in Zambia: The Need for Integration of Social, Healthcare, and Policy Reform, Southern African Institutefor Policy and Research,August 19, 2013, http://saipar.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Allen-and-Green_Discrimination-and-Stigmitisation_Final-DraftCorrected.pdf (accessed April 2, 2020); Jane Chung,Disabled South Koreans Protect Inhumane Benefits System, Reuters, October25, 2012, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-korea-disabled/disabled-south-koreans-protest-inhumane-benefits-system-idUSBRE89O05X20121025 (accessed March 23, 2020); International Federation for Human Rights and Taiwan Association for Human Rights,The Hidden Face of Taiwan: Lessons learnt from the ICCPR/ICESCR review process,April2013,https://www.refworld.org/pdfid/51e799594.pdf(accessed March 23, 2020); M. Bari Qasem Saleh and A. Mohamed Makki,Mental Health in Yemen: Obstacles and Challenges, International Psychiatry,5.4(2008),https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F6080907180CF8B9BE1296B6C9D0360/S1749367600002277a.pdf/div-class-title-mental-health-in-yemen-obstacles-and-challenges-div.pdf(accessed March 18, 2020), pp. The ACHPR has been ratified by Benin, Burkina Faso, C, African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC), OAU Doc. Such training includes defining psychological trauma, learning appropriate terminologytrainees are instructed to use the term survivor rather than victimand managing acute distress. The Social Services Department of The Salvation Army recently (March 1) released a youth survey, and found that more than 70% of the respondents suffered from mental health problems to varying degrees, and 30% of them did not seek external assistance. People with psychosocial disabilities face pervasive stigma and bias and are among the most marginalized, enduring stigma and discrimination in every sphere of lifepersonal, professional and public. Cohen Veterans Network and National Council for Mental Wellbeing partnered with Ketchum Analytics who conducted an online survey among 5,000 Americans, representative of the U.S. population based on age, gender, region, household income and race/ethnicity. I stay in a small room with seven men. 2200A (XX1), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. There is a shortage of bilingual or Spanish speaking mental health professionals. They always beat me up, at times they assigned my own children to beat me up, for instance this one who takes care of my drugs bill. See also, Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, Fourth World Conference on Women, September 15, 1995, A/CONF.177/20 (1995), art. Share this via WhatsApp [102] When children are shackled, they are deprived of playing, making friends, going to school, growing up in a family, and having a normal childhood. The impoverished often live in overcrowded areas. Provide training to broader membership, including at grassroots levels, about the rights of people with psychosocial disabilities. Tony Evers declared this as the "year of mental health" in his budget address last month, one psychotherapist says the budget leaves an important component - mental health [92] UN Committee on Civil and Political Rights, General Comment No. His loving parents found him nonresponsive, with a heart rate near 200 beats per minute. [23] ngela Carbonell, Jos Javier Navarro Prez, Maria Vicenta Mestre, Challenges and Barriers in Mental Healthcare Systems and Their Impact on the Family: A Systematic Integrative Review, Health and Social Care in the Community vol.28:5, September 2020, https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.12968 (accessed September 25, 2020), pp. These beliefs often lead people with psychosocial disabilities and their families to first consult faith or traditional healers and only seek medical advice or psychosocial support, such as counseling, as a last resort. 119. In many of the countries where Human Rights Watch conducted research for this report, there is a widespread belief that mental health conditions are the result of possession by evil spirits or the devil, or the consequence of some form of sin, displaying immoral behavior, orfor those whose families are adherents of certain religionshaving a lack of faith. [153], In its interpretation of the treaty provisions, the committee stated, At all times, including in crisis situations, the individual autonomy and capacity of persons with disabilities to make decisions must be respected.[154], The UN special rapporteur on torture has noted that shackling unequivocally amount(s) to torture even if committed by non-State actors under conditions in which the State knows or ought to know about them.[155], The core human rights treaties prohibit subjecting any person to torture or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, including non-consensual medical or scientific experimentation. Human Rights Watch research across 60 countries found people with real or perceived psychosocial disabilities are arbitrarily detained against their will in homes, state-run or private institutions, as well as traditional or religious healing centers. Urge national governments to ban shackling of people with real or perceived mental health conditions and develop adequate, quality, and voluntary community-based support mental health services. [68] In the Greater Accra Region, there are an estimated 70 prayer camps. [91] Human Rights Watch interview with Sheu Abdukhaleed, traditional healer, Ibadan, Nigeria, September 17, 2019. . [86] Article 25, among other problematic provisions, states that a caregiver or a guardian of a person with a mental disorder shall not allow that person to walk freely in public places. In a country where people with psychosocial disabilities are stigmatized and subjected to abuse, such broad discretion given to authorities to restrict the freedoms of movement and liberties of a person with mental health conditions will facilitate further abuse and entrenchment of the problem. While much attention is focused on the humanitarian crises at the U.S. border, researchers, clinicians and activists are also working to address problems at their source in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. (London, October 6, 2020) Hundreds of thousands of people with mental health conditions are shackled around the world, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. [17], While one in ten people have a mental health condition, access to services is scarce. Encourage governments to collect quantitative and qualitative data on the current number of people shackled, the reasons families continue to practice shackling, and examine the support or services they would need to discontinue the practice. Ensure shackling is not practiced by the organizations representatives or at holy sites. [21] WHO, Mental Health in the Western Pacific, undated, https://www.who.int/westernpacific/health-topics/mental-health (accessed June 17, 2020). I want to look around outside, go to work, plant rice in the paddy fields. CAB/LEG/24.9/49 (1990), entered into force November 29, 1999, art 14. At the Edumfa Heavenly Ministry Prayer Camp in Cape Coast, Ghana, people with real or perceived psychosocial disabilities are confined in cages and are rarely allowed out of such cages. I was fearful that someone would attack me during the nights, without being able to defend myself because of being shackled.[89], People end up living shackled in institutions for long periods because their relatives do not take them home and the institution has nowhere to send them. [19], Governments have long neglected to invest in mental health services. In many countries, Covid-19 has disrupted mental health services, which can put people with psychosocial disabilities at risk of being shackled. For example, ECAP, a Guatemalan organization whose name translates to the Community Studies and Psychosocial Action Team, works primarily with indigenous women and children to seek gender equity and restorative justice for past crimes. [54] Human Rights Watch interview with mother of a man with a mental health condition, Bali, Indonesia, November 19, 2020 (full name and details withheld). [36] The SDGs comprise 17 global goals that create a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. The United Nations General Assembly created the SDGs in 2015 and countries committed to achieving the goals set forth in the SDGs by 2030. Its time for governments to step up so that families arent left to cope on their own. More in This Topic Guide. It is mostly practiced in non-medical settings, by families, a faith healer, or non-medical staff, often in the absence of support or mental health services. [102] Disability Rights International, No Justice: Torture, Trafficking and Segregation in Mexico, July 22, 2015, https://www.driadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/Sin-Justicia-MexRep_21_Abr_english-1.pdf (accessed September 21, 2020). A special thank you to the Swedish Postcode Lottery; the Samuel Family Foundation; Tracy and Bruce Simpson; Cristina Sainz and Enrique Prez-Hernndez; Renaud and Marina de Planta; Kiran Chandaria; and Nadge and Christophe Hentsch for the financial support that made this research and report possible. [119] International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), adopted December 16, 1966, G.A. (Eds. Share this via Printer, Shackling of People with Psychosocial Disabilities Worldwide. The testimonies were collected between August 2018 and September 2020 through in-person and phone interviews. Limited options and long waits are the norm, but there are some bright spots, with 76% of Americans now seeing mental health as important as physical health. Immediately end the use of chaining, nonconsensual fasting, and any form of detention. Many of the millions of Central American subsistence farmers are also starting to migrate north as climate change threatens their livelihoods, according to the Climate Reality Project, an activist organization founded by former vice president Al Gore (How the Climate Crisis Is Driving Central American Migration, 2019). Shackling is also used as a temporary measure to restrain a person for short periods while the family goes out to work or when the person is having a crisis. Shelter was a major concern for people shackled outdoors without a roof over their heads, protection from the sun or rain, and with constant exposure to mosquitoes and pests. [90] Human Rights Watch interviews with Badini Ousseini, country director of CBM Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, January 22, 2020. One in five, CDC data says, 30% of American adults had symptoms consistent with an anxiety or depression diagnosis, will waive the residency requirements for J-1, how mental health has changed throughout the pandemic, how healthcare jobs have grown over the past two decades, Health Resources and Services Administration. Roxanna Alizadeh, Elise Fabre, Alexis Kallen, and Liam Turnbull, interns in the Disability Rights Division, provided important research support. Worldwide Campaign to End Shackling, Shame, Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in close to 100 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice, Human Rights Watch is a 501(C)(3)nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 13-2875808, Click here to download an Easy-to-Read version of the report, Karoon, What is the state of mental health in Thailand?, post to Pacific Prime Thailand (blog), Melinda Benjamin, The Promotion of Mental Health Awareness in Cambodia,, Mark Tilly,TV series to fight mental health stigma,. In Nigeria, Human Rights Watch visited 28 facilities in 8 states and the Federal Capital Territory between 2018 and 2019, across which a few hundred people were arbitrarily detained, and where people were regularly chained or shackled. If we miss hygiene, they give us a punishment. 6. [42] Families can find it challenging to take relatives with psychosocial disabilities out for events or social occasions due to societal stigma and fear the person might say or do something to cause embarrassment. Ensure coordination between mental health professionals and staff at prayer camps to offer mental health services based on free and informed consent. [22] The emphasis on tertiary facilities means that people are compelled to travel further and to a psychiatric hospital, a location that is more stigmatizing, which studies have shown are often deterrents in seeking support. In Mexico, Felipe Orozco, a 41-year-old man, told Human Rights Watch he had been hospitalized five times because he had a mental health condition. People with psychosocial disabilities who are shackled in homes and institutions experience physical abuse if they try to run away from institutions or dont obey the staff. Mental Health and Substance Use. [58] Human Rights Watch, Chained Like Prisoners, https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/report_pdf/somaliland1015_forupload_0.pdf, p. 9. People with real or perceived psychosocial disabilities can be shackled for days and weeks, to months, and even years. Talkspace therapist Bisma Anwar, LMHC. In 2025, demand may outstrip supply by 6,090 to 15,600 psychiatrists, according to a 2017 National Council for Behavioral Health report that explores the shortage's causes and suggests solutions. [20] In low-income countries, government mental health spending decreases to less than 1 percent of health budgets with less than US $0.25 spent annually per person on mental health, compared to $80 in high income countries. Depression, which is the leading cause of disability, is reported to be twice as common in women than men. [79] Human Rights Watch interview with Aisha [not her real name], family member, Gaza, February 15, 2020. Human Rights Watch phone interview with Dr Irmansyah, psychiatrist and health ministry official, September 23, 2020. Im never invited to happy occasions, weddings or birthdays with my family. 10. Help us continue to fight human rights abuses. I want to move about, I have asked the baba [faith healer] to take them off, but he wont. [176] The right to be free from non-consensual medical treatment and experimentation is guaranteed under the ICESCR. The ACRWC has been ratified by Benin, Burkina Faso, Cte dIvoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique , Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. People with psychosocial disabilities, including children, who are shackled in homes or institutions are routinely forced to take medication or subjected to alternative treatments such as concoctions of magical herbs, vigorous massages by traditional healers, Quranic recitation in the persons ear, and special baths. I forgot him. Even when people seek mental health services, the quality of care in many countries is substandard. We are suffering. Platt also teaches classes in El Salvador to local clinical psychologists and psychology students on single session therapy, a solution-focused behavioral practice that aims to serve marginalized communities that may struggle to access psychological treatment because of isolation and limited resources. The Health Resources and Services Administration tracks health professional shortage areas, which are geographic areas, population groups, or health care facilities designated as having a shortage of health providers. [138] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Joshua Duncan, program manager, Mental Health Coalition of Sierra Leone, September 25, 2020. CMS recognized that, for many mental health services, visualization between the patient and clinician may be less critical to provision of the service: "[M]ental health services are different from other services because they principally involve verbal exchanges between patient and practitioner." CMS also responded to comments requesting . Gangs often threaten teens or adults with rape or murder, forcing entire families to flee their homes (World Report 2019, Human Rights Watch). [109] When his community went into lockdown and Sodikin lost access to community-based mental health services, his family was unable to support him and locked him in a room. Others, inspired by the mission of liberation psychology, have launched or joined human rights organizations to more directly address systemic issues such as gender-based violence, public corruption and income inequality. Its very challenging to navigate domains where we may be told we dont belong, he says. [4], Psychosocial disability: The preferred term to describe people with mental health conditions such as depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, and catatonia. As of 2012, 92 percent of the people who had been unlocked in China remained free from chains. Inability to afford proper care. The ACRWC has been ratified by Benin, Burkina Faso, C. American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR), adopted at the Inter-American Specialized Conference on Human Rights, San Jos, Costa Rica, 22 November 1966. Many spiritual healing centers that Human Rights Watch visited were located in open fields or forests; some operated out of structures that were half-built and offered only a rooftop for shelter. Ive been chained for five years. [32], The cost of neglecting mental health is significant; the global economy loses roughly $2.5 to $8.5 trillion per year as a result of reduced economic productivity. 16-18. https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/zambia0714_ForUpload_1.pdf, p.16; A. Allen,andE.Green,Discrimination and Stigmatization of People with Epilepsy in Zambia: The Need for Integration of Social, Healthcare, and Policy Reform,, African [Banjul] Charter on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR), adopted June 27, 1981, OAU Doc.
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